about me

Achim worked as architect and project manager in Germany, the USA and the UK and completed an MBA at Vlerick Business School in Beligum. For six years he was  responsible for IT and digital strategy Daimler Real Estate, the corporate real estate branch of the Daimler AG . Currently he is working for Vattenfall in Berlin, where he is responsible for the digital strategy of the German real estate department.

He is co-founder and president of FIBREE the Foundation for International Blockchain and Real Estate Expertise and advisory board member at BlockSquare.io one of theleading  Real Estate tokenization platforms in Europe.

As speaker at MIPIM Cannes, Expo Real Munich and Blockchain Expo Berlin he promotes innovation in real estate with a focus on blockchain technology. He is also founding member of the Bundesverband Blockchain (German Blockchain Association) and also founding member of INATBA the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications.